A review of our web site
The Bi-Polarbear web site was just reviewed on www.artpatient.com.
and from what we can tell, they liked us! You can read the full review of
our weekly web comic strip here at www.artpatient.com
A review of our web site
The Bi-Polarbear web site was just reviewed on www.artpatient.com.
and from what we can tell, they liked us! You can read the full review of
our weekly web comic strip here at www.artpatient.com
New Bi-Polarbear Website is launched.
We have been working on on new web site for some time now, and here it is!
The site has a whole new look, with improved navigation, an updated layout
and a host of new features. We have added a really cool image gallery as well
some cool games
This is a true landmark event: the release of the frist ever Bi-Polarbear
video. We took one of our cartoon strips and applied our unique spin to makining
the characters "come alive". The video has been posted on YouTube and MySpace.
Check it out today onYouTube. We hope you like it! We'll make more!